Understanding the Difference Between the Instagram Business, Creator, and Personal Profiles

What is the difference between the Instagram Business, Creator, and Personal Profiles, when do you want to use each, and
Ayrshare 12:33 pm on May 22, 2024

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This privacy policy outlines how Nevermind Solutions LLC collects, uses, and shares user data through various apps including Ayrshare. Personal info is gathered for app operation, customer service, marketing, legal compliance, emergencies, or business deals, but users can opt-out of marketing emails and manage cookie settings on their browsers.

  • Information Collection: Details personal data provided by users directly and indirectly.
  • Usage of Data: Utilized for operational, customer service, and legal purposes, including emergencies.
  • Data Sharing: Shared with third parties as per their privacy policies, subject to user consent.
  • Cookie Policy: Users can opt out of non-essential cookies and manage settings for essential ones.
  • Privacy Policy Update: Allowed to change at any time, with user consent.


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