The Go to Market Motion That Everyone's Talking About

Learn what Nearbound is, and how this marketing strategy can dramatically grow your business with strategic partnershipsLearn what Nearbound is, and how this marketing strategy can dramatically grow your business with strategic partnerships.
The Social Media HatWhen One More Hat Is One Too Many 12:34 pm on May 22, 2024

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Mike Allton, as Head of Strategic Partnerships at Agorapulse, facilitated Nearbound program implementation through CEO and CMO approvals after creative budget adjustments; interested in partnerships with SaaS companies, especially those leveraging AI for marketing. Mike offers expertise on strategic digital partnerships, content marketing, and utilizing artificial intelligence within social media and overall business strategy.

  • Nearbound Program: Implementation backed by CEO/CMO after budget adjustments.
  • SaaS Partnership Interest: Aiming to collaborate with SaaS companies in marketing space.
  • Strategic Partnerships: Advocating for strategic alliance between businesses, emphasizing the role of key stakeholders and resources investment.
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Marketing: Highlighting AI's transformative impact on marketing and social media through podcasts and blog posts.
  • Fractional CMO Expertise: Offers leadership, strategic planning services, and professional development with a focus on leveraging digital partnerships.

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