How to Enhance Firebase Emulator Logs

Firebase emulator console logging is pretty basicFirebase emulator console logging is pretty basic.
Ayrshare 12:34 pm on May 22, 2024

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The text outlines the use and sharing policy of the "@logdna/tail-file" NPM package for tailing files with colorized output via the "json-colorizer". It details consent, information collection, usage purposes like service improvement and customer communication, third party data sharing policies, cookie management, and privacy policy updates.

  • Use of tail-file to monitor file changes
  • Colorization features via json-colorizer package
  • Information Collection: Names, emails, other direct data from users/apps; automatic logs and cookies usage
  • Data Usage: Service improvement, customer support, marketing (with opt-out options), legal compliance, emergency sharing, third-party platform integration
  • Cookie Management & Privacy Policy: Acceptance of non-essential cookies, privacy policy updates, and consent for necessary/third-party cookies

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